The Do’s and Don’ts of Random Video Chat on Emerald Chat



The Do’s and Don’ts of Random Video Chat on Emerald Chat

Video chatting, the random online chatting industry’s poster child, is one of the premiere features that most online chat rooms have. Despite its popularity. However, people have developed a negative connotation when it comes to random video chat, and for good reason.

Many people have utilized random video chatting as a way for them to do nefarious things such as discrimination, trolling, and even molesting others. We want to help with changing this culture, that is why in this blog we’ll be discussing the Do’s and Don’ts that are vital to remember when you are in a random video chat session with someone.

The Do’s of Random Video Chat 

Picture of a black man indicating the Dos of chatting with strangers online

DO Respect Privacy 

Everyone, no matter who they are, is human, and since this is the case we ought to honor that fact. It is common for people to keep a portion of themselves hidden from others due to their reasons for doing so. Respecting someone’s privacy must be at the forefront of any Video chatting session. If the person you are video chatting with seems like they might be holding back on certain sensitive topics, it should be well within your interest to respect it to maintain the safety that both of you feel.

DO Use Appropriate Language 

This next do was also in a previous blog that approached the matter of do’s and don’ts more generally. But the value of using appropriate language when video chatting with someone does not diminish. When meeting someone new, especially if you want to be friends with them, first impressions play a big role when you want others to build a good opinion about you, inappropriate language does not set a good impression on someone since such languages are generally regarded as repulsive, and you might come across as such if you are not careful with the words you say to others.

DO Dress Appropriately

While Emerald Chat’s random video chats are not formal video calls, it is still highly important for you to dress appropriately. Think of it this way, you are going to a social gathering, one with a high potential to meet new people, you wouldn’t dress as if you just woke up from sleep, would you? Much less would you forget to wear clothing. Of course not, you will dress to impress, it’s similar to random video chatting, while we do not urge you to wear a full-on dress or tuxedo, we highly encourage you to wear appropriate clothing even if it were just from the waist up. 

DO Keep Personal Information Confidential 

Unless you’ve known each other for an adequate amount of time, much like the first do, it is also highly recommended that you hold back on sharing personal information. No one knows each other in a random video chat setting, in most cases at least, oversharing personal information inevitably puts you at risk of cyberattacks such as identity theft, location tracking, and many more. This is why you need to be mindful of what you share with the person you are video chatting with, only when you’ve developed mutual trust then maybe you can share additional personal information, but it is still important to practice caution.

DO Find a Dedicated Video Chatting Space

One of the best ways for you to help someone build a good opinion about you is to show them that you are dedicated to talking to them is finding a dedicated video chatting space, or at least a spot in the place where you are that is silent and free from distractions. A dedicated video chatting space also helps you concentrate on what your video chatting partner is talking about, thus allowing you to respond to their insights, queries, and many more with accuracy.

The Don’ts of Random Video Chat

picture of a redhead female gesturing cross arms to mean Dont's

DON’T Interrupt When Someone Else is Talking 

Everyone hates it when they are being interrupted when they are still speaking as it causes confusion and annoyance. However, it is all the more important for you to not talk when the other person is talking in a video chat setting because doing so might distort the audio which only causes an even bigger discomfort for both of you. 

DON’T Engage in Offensive or Inappropriate Conversations 

Nobody likes to be in a conversation with someone who constantly berates personal opinions, rains down insults like a typhoon, is condescending, or overly sexual. This is why the second Don’t of this list is engaging in offensive or inappropriate conversations, these conversations do not benefit you in any way and will only proceed to ruin your experience. Whenever you encounter such a scenario, you should hit the skip button as it is not worth ruining your day over. Additionally, we are constantly on the lookout for people who are like this, so reporting them is also one good way to make sure that Emerald Chat’s environment becomes safer.

DON’T Ignore the Platform’s Guidelines and Policies 

In addition to the last Don’t, you need to observe Emerald Chat’s guidelines and policies, as doing so will result in your account being banned from the website. We’ve established these guidelines so that we can ensure that our community stays safe, and grows to be safer. If someone aims to threaten these guidelines we will proceed with the necessary corrective actions to safeguard our community.

DON’T Just Use Body Language to Deliver a Message

Gestures and body movements can still be used as a way for you to deliver a message through the screen, however, these actions only harm the conversation as they are more of a distraction than a way for you to get a point across. Clearly state what you want to say to someone and eagerly listen to them as they speak, body language helps you create a better atmosphere, but keep it to a minimum.

DON’T Ignore Red Flags from Other Users 

Last, but definitely not least, is ignoring red flags. This is a critical factor that you must not ignore when you are in a video chatting session, since if you do ignore red flags you might put yourself in potential danger. There are lots of different red flags for you to look out for (we’ve listed them in this blog post for you), but generally you need to look out for overly flirty people, force personal information, or give out too many heartwarming compliments, as these are the usual tactics employed by people who want to socially engineer you to get what they want from you.


In this blog post, we’ve tackled 5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts when video chatting on Emerald Chat. This blog post is meant to help people navigate through the difficulties they encounter when video chatting with others in EC, yet they are also applicable to real-life situations when you encounter someone new or are meeting your new friends IRL. There are a lot more things we can include in the post, but we’ve picked some of the more generalized things everyone should apply when they are in a random video chat so that they are easy enough to remember. But as a closing statement, most of these do’s and don’ts come from common decency and most can be remembered simply by recognizing that on the other end of the screen, you are facing a real person who can also feel happiness, fear, and sadness. That is why the main “Do” of this blog post is “Do remember that behind the screen is a person”.






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