Ready to Get a Little Closer? Emerald Chat’s New Intimacy Feature is Here



Ready to Get a Little Closer? Emerald Chat’s New Intimacy Feature is Here

Okay, let’s get real. Emerald Chat is awesome for those random conversations where you might end up debating the best pizza topping with a stranger halfway across the world  (and yes, pineapple totally belongs on pizza!). But sometimes, you crave something a little more, right?  A peek behind the profile pic, a real connection instead of just killing time.  Well, Emerald Chat just leveled up the game with their new Intimacy feature.

So, What’s This All About?

Think of this new feature as your ticket to deeper conversations. Emerald Chat added a new experimental feature that lets you choose between “casual” or “intimate” chats.  Want to connect a little? Share a  secret? Get to know someone beyond their favorite meme? Intimacy mode it is. And, if you’re not feeling up to spilling your soul, casual mode is still there for those chill chats.

How Does This Magic Work?

Simply go to Emerald Chat. Sign up if you don’t have an account yet. But if you already have, then just go and start… Or, for an improved experience, try our Gold and Platinum subscriptions.

You can choose which card you would like to use. This is the fun part – tell Emerald Chat what kind of people you want to meet:

  • Feeling a bit camera-shy? Choose 1 on 1 Text Chat (Emerald will match you to 1 on 1 anonymous text chat)
  • Up for face-to-face action? Choose Video Chat (Emerald will match you to a video chat)
  • Want to meet a bunch of people at once? Try Group Text Chat (You can join any existing group chats or create your own)
Emerald Chat's Card Options

Here’s the Fun Part

This is the fun part: tell Emerald Chat what kind of people you want to meet, and then you can just filter everything!

These Features Available for Emerald Gold Users

  • You can add any specific interest you are looking for ( It’s the best way to find people you’ll actually click with.)
  • Choose how long your wait time is ( You can choose to wait from a second to infinite waiting time.)
  • And here’s the new intimacy feature. You can filter matches by intimacy (Emerald Chat is flexible – choose the kind of conversations you’re in the mood for.)
  • Filter by gender (Who Are You Looking For?) 
  • Filter matches by karma. You can only match to users with karma more than 10 (Option to match with people who have good reputations within Emerald Chat.)

These Features Available for Emerald PLATINUM Users

  • Filter matches by country and language – Upgrade to PLATINUM for all GOLD features, plus the ability to filter matches by country and language. Connect with people locally or chat with someone around the world.
Platinum Filters

Why Bother Getting All Intimate?

Look, some days you just want to goof around on Emerald Chat, and that’s awesome.  But if you’re looking for those connections that make you go “Hmmm, there might be something here,” this feature is for you.  It’s about skipping the small talk and seeing if there’s a genuine spark. And, let’s be honest, a little witty exchanges never hurt anyone, right?

And just imagine… maybe that random stranger you clicked with turns into way more than a one-time chat.  The internet is full of crazy meet-cute stories, who knows what this new Intimacy feature might lead to?

A Few Things to Remember

Before you dive headfirst into revealing your deepest fears and wildest dreams, let’s keep a couple of things in mind:

  • Respect, people! Not everyone is up for an intimate chat every time. If someone’s not feeling it, back off gracefully. Consent is cool, always.
  • Take it at your own pace. You don’t have to reveal your entire life story in one sitting. Test the waters, have some fun, and see where it leads.
  • Safety first, emerald chatters. It’s still the internet out there. Be smart about what personal info you share.

Are You Ready for It?

If you’re ready to add a dash of spice and maybe even a bit of heart to your Emerald Chat experience, give this intimacy thing a whirl.  Worst case scenario? You have a slightly awkward conversation and move on. Best case scenario? You find someone amazing who totally gets your weird sense of humor.

And, if you do try it out, spill the tea in the comments! Did you fall in online-love?  Make a new best friend? Or just laugh hysterically at someone’s ridiculous answer to a prompt? We want to know!







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